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Tag: pedagogy

Small Steps Shattering Ceilings

I’m wondering now how best to teach the sort of gender-inclusive history that is so near and dear to my heart in this world that is clearly so desperate for big change, not small celebrations. How do I present triumphant, resilient, energizing female warriors and rulers – but still communicate to my students the how limited and complicated those exceptional people were? How do I tell them about the inequality that pervades history without leaving them feeling helpless and lifeless?

I don’t know what this means for my syllabus yet. But this is what I’m thinking about. If you’re thinking about these things too, leave me a comment or come find me on Twitter.

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A Missing Piece?: Historical Thinking Isn’t Just for History Majors

Here-in lies my only critique of the otherwise immensely useful summary and white paper: Calder and Steffes implicitly view the core history concepts and competencies they suggest as the reserve of history majors. They seem to have little concern for how the suggested foci might function within general education history courses.

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